08 November 2007

Blame Facebook for me not blogging.

That THING is addictive. Before you know it, you'll have Facebook Addicts Support Groups eg. "Hi, my name is Andee and I'm a facebookaholic" (cheering, clapping)


It's been raining silly over the past week.

Every single day would bring torrents of tropical rain water pouring down on this part of God's green earth. It didn't help that i've been inundated with projects and activities - either self inflicted or boss inflicted.

I thank God a lot-a lot for giving me the strength to carry out all these acts of madness responsibilities without pulling out my hair. The best part of it is that they were all successful (Andee has a tired but contented look on his face).

We celebrated Linda's birthday on Sunday at Hasifah & Bahtiar's because they wanted it to be a surprise.

It has been a while since we all got together. Twas a good excuse. Linda was surprised and touched. David was happy to blow out the candles for Mama.

Here's a nice photo of a rare non-raining evening.
Have a lovely week wherever you are and Rachael Yeo; Happy Birthday. You're 21. Now you have to take responsibility for your odd moments of silliness. i had to learn it the hard way...

26 October 2007

It's the 2nd Evening of Self Expression for UNIMAS's Centre For Language Studies. Dr. Soubakeavathi Rethinasamy the Dean will unfortunately, not be in attendance. However, Puan Rosnah Mustafa the Deputy Dean and Puan Farah Hanini Abdul Rahman, The Head of Language Courses Coordinator will take her place.

It will be a wonderful, enjoyable and memorable evening of storytelling & drama.

We begin with the Briefing by Patrick Yeoh the Course Coordinator.

Our Panel of Wise People Who Will Decide Who Wins

Lim Swee Wee telling his story entitled "His Story"

Group 9's play, "The Orphans". Very touching...

Group 12 presented an ethereal, sub-conscious play entitled "Sarah". It was sad, yet filled with hope at the end...

This group presented "Just Another Girl", an adaptation of a story of the same name, written by Cecelia Ong. Cecelia published a collection of short stories entitled "Death of a Longhouse & Other Stories from Sarawak". Linda directed a play some months back entitled "Death of a Longhouse".

The story of the "Unfaithful Husband" brings humour to the audience.

25 October 2007

I'm at UNIMAS. It's the Evening of Self-Expression for the course i'm teaching - PBI 1062 English for Self-Expression. We had 600 students taking ESE this semester and whittling down the presentations to fit into 2 nights was a painful task. Patrick Yeoh - the course coordinator & founder-had the 'privilege' of wielding the axe. Thankfully, the long Hari Raya holiday helped; a number of groups could not perform because they did not have enough people. Shame.

The show's about to start and i'm doing the lights.

The first item on was a story entitled My Story. It was good.

Then, we had a hilarious nugget entitled The Diamond Ring

Soon after, we had this bit of action which no one seemed to understand...

Lazy Gadong is a story of what happens when you're lazy and looking for an easy buck!

23 October 2007

We're buying our first home; not a house or a property but, a home. It took us 4 days to go from discovery to signing the S & P (Sales & Purchase) Agreement.

WHAT??? SO FAST???? YOU GOT THINK FIRST OR NOT OR JUST LANTAK ONLY????? (translation from Kuching speak: That was quick. Have you given any thought to the seriousness of purchasing a property and the financial consequences which comes with it? note: lantak=knock or rush into).

FYI, we have been thinking (and dreaming!) of getting a place of our own. The only problem was that the properties we liked were either (1) too close to busy roads (2) situated in (over)developed areas or (3) too darn expensive. So, we gave up looking. I had come to a point where i said to God,"I give up!"

Last Thursday, i volunteered to give Linda a ride down to work. She, of course, appreciated it very much. Traffic was nonexistent - it was the tail-end of Hari Raya (Aidilfitri/Eidl Fit'r/Eid Mubarak) and lots of folks must have taken the opportunity to NOT go to work (your's truly included!). I stopped for a lovely bowl of Beef noodles at Green Hill Corner (ah! the memories for some of you...). Lying on an adjacent chair at the table was a copy of the day's Borneo Post. Habits die hard, i read the papers while waiting for my grub - matter of fact, i read the papers while sucking down my grub! A small real estate ad caught my attention - it was simple and of the non-flashy variety - yet i had this urge to see it. Did it mention that it was only 5 minutes away from where i work???

So, drive i did, and wow... it blew me away.

The house checked all the boxes in Linda's list of "What Our Home Should Be" and most of mine - sadly, it left the "Pet elephant in backyard" box unchecked (sob!).
It's a single level semi-detached house sitting on 13.5 points of land. It's got the adjoining house on one side and a small hill on the other.


Linda's 100% low interest rated Federal Government Housing Loan will take care of the payments ( Ah, the perks of working for the G - it's pretty much the only decent perk left!). We just have to deal with the accompanying fees.

What a week it has been. We're on our way to becoming home-owners and being saddled with a RM219,000 debt. We love it.

Oh, it started raining heavily this morning and the smell of clean, ionised air was just heavenly. How was your day?

11 October 2007

There goes another semester of teaching English ( for Self Expression) at Unimas! It's been 3 semesters since i started and i must say, it is different from the other language courses. It's got bits of creative writing here, a sprinkling of drama there and a whole load of confidence building everywhere! Performance nights are on the 25 and 26 October at CAIS Hall. It's free.

Muslims around the world will celebrate Eid'l Fitr (or Aidilfitri, in Malaysia) marking the end of Ramadhan (the fasting month). Folks are running (and driving) around like lunatics trying to get everything ready for Aidilfitri. It's kinda like that mad rush for everything you did not do or get during Chinese New Year or Christmas.

School's out for a while. Some schools will start next week but mine only starts the week after. Ah, the joys of being in a residential school.

David is enjoying (nursery) school. We call it nursery, he calls it school. We call it the school building, he calls it Teacher's House. We noticed him being less problematic at home after a full week at school and, his attention span has increased significantly. Thank God for Teacher's House!

05 October 2007

I would like to announce that David Ajith Yeo Yeung Ern started attending Nursery School yesterday. We went to register and lookee see the place on Monday. He did not want to go home! We had to drag him into the car. Linda drove him to school yesterday and stayed to chat with the teachers & principal. It's a lovely little place on Ong Kwan Hin Road. She picked him up around 1 pm and he was fast asleep. Ms. Dara - his teacher - said that he was soooo excited he did not sleep a wink during naptime. The little guy slept all the way home, stumbled up the stairs, pulled the big fluffy pillows to the living room floor and slept soundly for the next HOUR and a HALF! We love school too!!!

Linda posted a little write-up on our AFS host son Craig. It's a good read.

04 October 2007

Location: Friendship Park, Jalan Song
Date: 3 October 2007

The wonderful pond with schools of tilapia and koi are no more. Most of them died. We went -happily- yesterday for our Wednesday-afternoon-outing but ended up feeling like we were attending a funeral for those lovable fish.
When we got there, the pond was 3/4 drained and a group of men (as well as passerby volunteers) were desperately trying to scoop stinking dead fish out in order to save the still living (decomposition in a stagnant pool ain't all that great for living creatures). The water looked like the green slushee from 7-11. My guess would be pump & filter failure and an exceptional occurance of algae bloom caused by the extremely hot weather which could have suffocated the fishes. I overheard some cynical gentleman who thought someone had poisoned the pond. I think that to be rather unlikely... or is it?

What happened?

an update:

Well done for typical Malaysia Boleh incompetency. We can build but we can't even maintain what we have. The fishes died due to "a lack of water in the pond" (what the...???). The jokers in charge of repairs decided to drain the water to fix the pump (ok, that's logical) but didn't know what to do with the fishes. So, again in line with typical Malaysian apathy, they decided to screw the fishes and replace them later when "the repairs have been completed" (huh?). Folks don't care if you're going to put in bloody arowanas or expensive kois later; they care about the fish which have been there since the inception of the park. No one is responsible for feeding them really, people just took it upon themselves to care for the "upbringing" of those critters. Imagine if someone drowned your pet dog / cat / hamster?

Shame, I say... Shame.

28 September 2007

I discovered the joys of Facebook and re-discovered old friends from 10 years ago. It's amazing what a decade can do to you.

Here's me raisin' a cold one to all you guys & gals!

24 September 2007

Six years ago, a young boy, his younger brother and his even younger sister (incl. their mum & dad), left Kuching and returned to New Zealand.

Flash forward to 2007...

They're all grown up now and he has a band of his own called OpenIse. Josiah, it's good to hear from you.

It really is amazing to lose touch with people you knew and then, by some unknown random thought, think of them and actually Get In Touch...

We're currently hosting an international student under the STEP (Short Term Experience Programme) for AFS Antarabudaya Malaysia . His name is Craig Antweiler and he's an airport/aviation buff.

The bunch of lads we have in Sarawak right now comprises of 4 Germans and 1 Icelander (who will be going home to a minus 20 degrees Celsius winter next January).

My central processor (the brain la...) is shutting down and my bod is hurting all over after running up and down Fairy Cave in Bau and getting rugby tackled by those 5 young lads in the Sematan surf. Payback for bad driving (blame the road...).

12 September 2007

Linda directed a play entitle "Death of a Longhouse" by Patrick Yeoh a couple of months back. We enjoyed the whole thing but, boy... was it tiring or WHAT...

More on that some other day. There's just too much to say about the whole sha-bang.

How was your day?

David: How are you, Papa?
me: I'm fine, thank you. How are you, Son?
David: I'm not fine.
me: What's wrong?
David: The giant big toe step on my foot. Painful...
me: ????

Meanwhile, David runs off giggling. Huh?

God bless.

06 September 2007

The world has lost one of its greats... Luciano Pavarotti died today.

Arrivederci al Maestro magnifico.

04 September 2007

Presenting... David.

January - Hair Experimentation

February - David & Linda

February - Deep in Thought

August - Appreciating... er... flowers?
Zephyr Yeo was born at 3:00 am in Brunei to Jeremy and Leonora Yeo. Well done to Jeremy for getting the 'ball rolling' and to Leonora for carrying the boy 9 months and then having to evict him early this morning!

God bless you guys and may he bring as much joy and blessings as you have had with Tyler!

30 August 2007

David: Marching band! Marching band! Look, Papa! Drum! Marching band!

Me: Yay! Wow! etc.....

2 hours later.

David: Papa, look! Big drums! Look! Marching band! MArching band!

Me: Oooh... my aching shoulders...

He loves his marching bands, he does. Play anything percussion and you're his new hero.
Hooray for Gramps being out of the hospital, he's going to be alright. Mum and Dad's home from Limbang. They took the 'scenic' bus route. Finally, Dad can say that he has travelled the length of Sarawak (by public transportation) by sea, air and land.

David's down with fevers and a stuffed nose. He's lost some weight but that's expected. Has that slowed him down? Nope. However, he is whiney in his sleep and we've had a rather sleepless week. Last night, it got quite bad. He had a bad dream. Apparently, a giant's toe was trying to step on his leg and he needed his plastic hammer to whack the darn thing! What???

Happy Independence Day, Malaysia!

It's 50 or 44 depending on which way you look at it. Read Vernon's blog (Boredom killers section) to understand the whole issue.

Speakin' of age, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, 3rd Uncle Eugene Yeo in Brunei! He turns 59 today.
God bless.

14 August 2007

Life = Busy / Good = Aarrgghhhh!
Weather = Hot / hot / hot / rain???? = Arrgghhhh!!
Work = marking / mo' marking /sum mo' marking / WHAT??? sum mo'!!???!! = Aaaaaaerrrrrggggghhhhhh!!!
(a summary of the previous week till today)

Granpa's not well. He had an ambulance ride to the hospital. He's feeling better now but my folks are heading to Limbang tomorrow. Seh Koh Emmeline left yesterday.

Gramps is well over 90. He's entitled to an ambulance ride now and then. See, he's ancient but active. We see men half his age looking twice as old as he is! At 70, he was still carrying about the old bushcutter on his back on the slopes below and above the house!! So, when he gets sick as he was last week, everyone's alarm bell sounded.

I had a good chat with him the last time all three of us went to Limbang. He said, "Well, at my age, waking up everyday is a blessing." We love the grand old man. Here's prayin' that he gets well enough to go home.

07 August 2007

Have a beautiful day, people. Take time out to smell the flowers and enjoy the equatorial skies (unless of course, you happen to be in either KL or Jakarta). Praise God for his goodness and grace.

God bless.

06 August 2007

Life is but a shimmer in the great expanse of time and space...

Getting a call after dinner from a girl hysterically screaming at you to pray for her dad because he's dying isn't what you would expect after a long day at work but, that was what i had to contend with last Tuesday. Guin's dad had a haemorraghic stroke on Tuesday morning. He was prioritised for surgery immediately. The surgeons cleared 80% of the blood spill but could not do much more than that. He was called home to be with the Father later that evening. As the elevator doors opened for us on the 5th floor of the General Hospital, the doctors had just called the time and were removing the various tubes and wires coiled around his lifeless body. His spirit had been raised heavenbound. Linda became a shoulder to cry on for Guin and her sister Marianne (who used to be Linda's student). They were missing him more than they were sad at his passing. They know where he's headed and they rejoice and look forward to seeing him again one day.

A few days later, the Mayor of Kuching City South died after a short fight with pancreatic cancer. Again, St. Faith's Church sent off one of its own. Rest in Peace Mr. Mayor.

Let's rejoice and celebrate life for it is short and uncertain. Let us place our hope in the only certainty of life which is in its passing - and the gift that Christ gave us on the cross - eternal life.

31 July 2007

It's Hari Pahlawan or Warrior's Day in Malaysia. The term 'Pahlawan' covers (former and active) members of the Armed Forces, Royal Malaysian Police, Communist Insurgency era Home Guards, and Volunteers. A moment of silence please for these brave men and women.

Thank you.

Today is also Vernon's birthday. We've lost contact over the years but i have always remembered him fondly. He got me interested in choral music, introduced me to the works of Maria Callas and the world of classicals, plainsongs and operas.
Some folks may think it odd for me to write about a friend in that manner but you only turn 40 once and folks are allowed to memorialize them just a bit. So, Happy Birthday, you old sod! (if you ever get to read this!)

July ends and August beckons. August has always been a busy month for yours truly. This August is no different. Exams, supervisions, camps and workshops are the order of the month. My only free day - hilariously - is Wednesday and a small part of Saturday (every two weeks, roughly...). Get not me wrong for i am not complaining because activity is good for a lazy fart like me. We've decided that Wednesdays will be the day we take David swimming - every week. He's just gotten over his minor fear of water last month and we don't want to waste the effort we put into that endeavour. Our aim is to get him floating and swimming by the time he turns 4 in 2009. It's a skill every child should learn at the earliest possible moment. One will never know when it comes in handy.

Have a lovely rainy day ahead... I know that I am!

27 July 2007

Cool days and cool nights are the order for the day! I have absolutely no complaints whatsoever. The past two nights have seen temperatures drop to around 24-25 degrees Celsius compared to the usual 28-30 at night. Perhaps our lovely location in Matang had something to do with it?

Just caught 22 boys (students) who were sooo late for school. The disciplinary teacher was there too but he was far from being subtle. The boys are immune to all that shouting coz he does it rather regularly. Dealing with them will need more thought and patience put in. Teachers in Malaysia (and also Saudi, i'm told) shout a lot. We so need to tone down and be polite - if we want them to be polite to us. If at home they see their parents screaming at them, and come to school to have their teachers scream at them too, how do you think they'll turn out when they leave pre-adolescence and enter the scary world of free will, self-gained money and power (AKA adulthood)???

What can we do? 1. Deal with them in smaller groups. Talk through their faults and misdeeds. 80% of the time it works. 2. Ask them what should be done to them (or what they should do) in order to 'pay' for their offences. Usually, they hit themselves harder than we teachers do! 3. Forgive. Yes, we can do that! and we should (all 77 x 7 of the time and more!).

Sounds too optimistic?

I've tried this with Boys from a very low achieving Form 4 class in KL and with students from a high achieving class in Kuching. It works, more often than not. You do get some recalcitrant ones but generally, you can iron out most of the problem creases easily. Less fussin' makes for Less Cussin'.

Life is still good.

19 July 2007

Q: What's better than spending the entire night sifting through data and preparing a biannual report for Fifth Form English?
A: Anything and Everything else, of course!

I must say, though, that i am rather pleased with the results of the data analysis. Nearly all the pre-stated objectives set out at the end of last year were achieved. I had however, overlooked the issue of balancing between the needs of lower achieving students and higher achievers.

My focus from January to June had been towards raising the standards of the bottom 25. They improved beyond my target of 10%. Unfortunately, some of the higher achievers stagnated and did not achieve their own personal goals. Lesson learnt.

Just as you thought that the rains have stopped and the sun had begun to scorch this rain drenched land, it began pouring mightily again. God does love me!

Have a luvly week... or what's left of it!

16 July 2007

What a beaut of a weekend! no... we did not go to the overrated, overhyped and overpriced RWMF. Instead, we jetted over to Klang and celebrated Theodore Ravin Nathan's 1st Birthday. He was so goggle-eyed and awed by the many people who turned up (actually, i reckoned it was because of the A&W Bear mascot who made an appearance).

We got to KLIA at 9pm and got down to helping with the party. Arnold and Chery had most of it under control so we ended up babysitting Theo & David. What a blast it was to see the two lads playing together! I am so pleased with David for being big-hearted enough to let Theo have his way and 'telling him off' when Theo misbehaved. He really is turning into a granpa.

David ended up being the only kid not scared of the Bear and ipso facto ( i know, wrong usage), scared the guy in the bear suit! It was a blistering 31 degrees C in the shade on Saturday and David made Bear guy dance and jump and carry for nearly 45 minutes. At the end of the games and torture, he told us, "Budak tu buat aku takut la..." (That boy scares me). I love my son.

He slept on the way home to Kuching last night. A very happy boy.

We had a rather disturbing check-in at the airport last night. Only 4 domestic counters were open during one of the more busier times at KLIA. The lines were long and the counter staff were taking ages to check people in. The flight took off 20 minutes late (BUT inflight service was excellent, well done to Cabin Crew Boss Alexander of MH 2532 and team). Apparently, there's a SILENT work-to-rule/go slow protest happening with some parts of Malaysia Airlines over some staff appraisal cock-up. The newsies have reported that people in there aren't the happiest of campers around. That, compounded with the B777 damaged in Europe & the aerobridge collapsing and taking off the door of an Airbus A330, has indeed taken morale to an all time low.

Darren's been in Kuching for the weekend but small as this town is, i haven't had time to see him, let alone meet & bring him out for food. Must try today BUT classes starting at Unimas today... boo hoo hoo. Don't get me wrong; i enjoy teaching those classes but family is still family, right... especially Darren. Hmm... wonder how pissed tired he got yesterday...

Rachael: your posts have never bored me. amused? yes. bored? never. You're too fruity and loopy, cuz.

Ben: How the interview? OK kah?

Later, Boys & Girls.

For more on the family and stuff, read Linda's blog. It's verbose and full of hidden mickeys meanings.

12 July 2007

Thus begin the ONLY crazy weekend in Kuching; The RWMF at Santubong (Rainforest World Music Festival). ALL hotels are fully booked. Yup, even the seedy 2 star ones have one or two rooms left. It's a crime that the hotel previously known as Holiday Inn Damai Lagoon Resort could not be completed in time, hence, causing the loss of 200+ rooms and cancelled bookings by those last minute type folks (read, Malaysians).

The latest buzz around is that they've relaxed the security at the festival by allowing more people in. Going by the murmurings of veteran RWMFers, last year's fest was as interesting as a deflated rubber balloon.

My cousin Darren is finally attending the fest, so three cheers for the festival virgin!

We are soooo off going to the RWMF. After David arrived, it just wasnt / isn't / not going to be possible. I'm glad we went together previously. The atmosphere was electrifying. The sound -albeit wonky, at times -was loud enough to blow yer socks off. The very fact that one was at the foot of Mount Santubong - a place laced with enough legends, spooky happenings 'dan lain-lain' to make Bram Stoker want to migrate - was fantastic --- and so was the amount of canned booze we brought to *ahem* share with the visitors around us.

That was then...

We are so married. Just the other day we realised how much we were into the whole young parents thing. It was David this, David that and "have you packed his..., what about his blanket...."!!! Is is worth it? Without a doubt, i would say yes. He is worth every moment of it.

Would i do things differently if i had another shot at life? Interestingly, Linda and I would change just ONE point in our lives. GETTING MARRIED EARLIER INSTEAD OF BEING NUTTERS WHO ENDURED 4 YEARS OF SEPARATION AND A LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP BEFORE GETTING HITCHED.

Ah... There, i've said it.

Happy New Semester to Rachael as she begins slogging till Christmas. Love ya, Cuz.

AND to Ben, two big thumbs-up for getting through the selection process. You are one step closer to your DG41 PxTx starting salary, plus regional allowance, housing allowance, hardship allowance....

Enjoy your weekend, y'all!

04 July 2007

Activities coming up:

1. BB Sarawak Camp organised by us!
2. Theo's (our nephew in Klang) birthday celebration on the 14th.
3. ESE classes starting on the 16th.

The plate is looking fuller by the day.

The haze has returned! So much for the extended rainy season. So far, it's thin and light. We expect it to become thicker and heavier. More rain please!

We had dinner last night at a cafe serving food from the Phillippines. It's called "Pinoy Ihaw-Ihaw" which literally means "grilled or barbecued food" (ihaw-ihaw) of Filipinos (pinoy). I was told that it's in the masculine form. Feminine: Pinay (Filipina).

We had Lumpiang Shanghai & Fresh Lumpia (spring rolls; both fried and fresh), Kare-kare Oxtail (oxtail cooked with fresh leafy vegetables & eggplant in a creamy peanut sauce) and Tortang Talong (eggplant omelette). Linda had the extremely fresh and pure starfruit juice while i had a surprisingly refreshing mango juice. I'm so glad that these fellas did not use MSG (or even if they did, you could not taste nor feel it) or lace their fresh juices in sugar.

We patronised the cafe last month when Cheryl, Arnold and Theo were around. Cheryl and Arnold were unanimous in their pronouncement that this place served really good Pinoy food. Bear in mind that Cheryl's not just from the Phillippines but also Manila to boot! Their Crispy Pata is also excellent. Have a go, you won't be dissapointed. Oh, it ain't halal (Crispy Pata is deep fried pork leg).

Back to work. I have to end as abruptly as the series ending for the Sopranos.

16 June 2007

Busy as a BBee.

Warning: impossibly long post.

31 May 2007, i printed the appointment letters for 2 new lieutenants and an acting captain.
1 June 2007, the vicar of our sponsoring authority, St. Faith's Church, signed the letter of appointment for Micheal Chai, the new captain of 3rd Kuching Company. Finally, after a year of dreaming, thinking and praying (not in any particular order), i've stepped down as captain of said company. God has indeed heard my prayers for an able replacement. Little did i know, it would be Micheal who came to us some years back branded as a problematic Boy by his previous company (which shall remain unnamed). He himself told me recently that he, "had a lot of problems then" until he allowed God in to sort it out. Micheal wears his heart on his sleeve and he's honest, creative and a go-getter. I am certain that he is the right guy for the 'job'.

Don't get me wrong, this doesn't mean that our two new LTs aren't as capable, just gifted differently. Franklin Simon is kind, caring and extremely thoughtful - he's also leading 18+Crossroads, our young people group. Perfect. Calvin Tarang is our gentle giant. He's firm, independent and upright- the reasons why he's on our parish's youth advisory committee as representative to the diocesan youth council. Different strokes for different folks.

When i first met these gentlemen, they were in Junior section and starting their 1st year in the Brigade. They were examplary NCOs who never faltered in their BB commitment YET did well in their studies - proving that if officers can help Boys see the need for balance AND help them achieve that balance, they will reap the fruits of success.

As for me, i'm revelling in my position as a humble LT - secretary for the company and for Sarawak Southern Region. A position which i've been ashamed of holding because of my inability to balance between church, company, work & region commitments. I am sorry to all those people i've let down. hopefully, i can do better after this prioritising exercise.ahem.

My prayer is that Micheal, Calvin and Frank will carry the dream to reality and continue our tradition of mentoring great NCO-student leaders in the calling of Jesus Christ.

BB Sarawak Camp 2007

It's on and organising it is daunting. However, we've employed technology to shorten the Registration process and simplify the application approvals. campers need only to go to BB Southern Region's blog to sign-up in a 10 step type & click process. Simple.

'There Comes a Time' production

Phew! We just finished the performance of the play last night to a sold-out auditorium. The first local play in English to be produced by an amateur cast & crew. it touched the heartstrings of many people of the older age group as it dealt with the issue of rural-urban migration of Sarawak native groups, resulting in the death of many longhouses, villages and traditions. It also dealt with people in rural areas chasing the city dream then realising that it's no dream but a nightmare instead. A sad but necessary tale to tell.

James Brodie (Thomian 1967) did exceedingly well as the Tuai Rumah (headman) while Rachael Lipson Timbang (Current Thomian 2007) carried Induan's character wonderfully. Induan is the Tuai Rumah's prospective daughter-in-law. His son, Janang was played by Cedric Chin (Current Thomian 2007). Linda directed the play and she was a ball of nerves before it began. At this time of posting, she has absolutely nothing on her mind.

Andee: Linda, what do you think we should do today?
Linda: huh..? wha...?
Andee: What you wanna do today?
Linda: sorry, not thinking. Brain not on. heh heh heh....
Andee: ?????

Have a wonderful weekend.

25 May 2007

Rachael has got a wonderful blog on life and food. Her latest entry made my mouth water. The pictures of chocos in its different forms and sizes were just mind boggling!

I'm not a chocolate lover. Linda will tell you that. But i love the way how something as boring (looking) and colourless as chocolate could be moulded and 'splatted" into those wondrous creations.

It's the last day of Semester One in Malaysia and school break starts tomorrow. I haven't got any, though. It's work till school opens in June. Blargh!

What's new....

24 May 2007

a play
based on the story



Directed by
in aid of the Sixth Form Building Project

A story about a man with dreams for his beloved longhouse, usurped by development and modernisation. It follows him on his journey through joy, disbelief, denial and finally, acceptance of having to move on with progress.

Although set within the context of the Iban culture, this play will affect everyone who had to move to the 'big city' in order to make a living and the sacrifices made in order to survive in this post-modern world.

CALLING ALL 'THOMIANS' Past and Present!

Come support the production of this play and give your old school a 'shot in the arm' by pledging and giving!

Student Matinee - 12 June 2007 7:30pm RM 5.00 (students must be in school uniform)

Gala Night - 16 June 2007 7:30pm RM 100.00, RM 50.00, RM 20.00

More information to follow...

21 May 2007

The Prime Minister of Malaysia, 5 minutes ago, announced that government employees will receive a pay increase of 35%-25% for Support Group Grades 1 - 29. Management & Professional Group Grades 41 and above will receive a 15% increase. Those in the Almighty and On-High Group (i.e. Directors and other Big Guns) will receive a 7.5% pay hike.

Hopefully, the traders, businessmen and wholesellers will not increase the price of goods in the country. NOT EVERYONE WORKS FOR THE GOVERNMENT!

Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi also mentioned that if prices were to increase, the business community would also lose out in terms of volume of sales,"Those who could not afford (before) will be able to (now). Those who could buy 1 would be able to buy more or more frequently. If they (the business community) increase their prices because of this (gov't employee pay increase), people would think twice before buying from them and they would lose potential buyers, not to mention hurting the nation in terms of contributing to the inflation rate."

I've gotten back to my bike (the pedal powered variety) and went mud riding along the very short trail next to where i live and work (same place). It ended in a clearing where future construction works may take place. Although i deplore mass jungle clearing, i understand the need to balance development and conservation. It's a secondary forest which used to be cultivated for farming. The pain lessens.

Even if they clear all the land around the school, we'd still have part of the jungle within our compound for conservation & education purposes. At least it will be a small haven for wildlife.

LINDA - she's counting down to her production dates. The stage is being built and the actors are getting excited. Let's hope for a good audience turn-out. THOMIANS from ST. THOMAS'S SCHOOL, KUCHING should come and support this effort to raise enough funds to build a new Sixth Form Block. Currently, the Lower Sixth Formers are floating around the school using whatever empty space they can find. St. Thomas's School is GROWING and they need help.

DAVID - He's learnt a new word and is using "you bet'cha!" for everything. Let's hope that it's just a phase. He's sleeping on his own now. Telling us that he's going to "Dodo" (short for TIDUR , malay for SLEEP) and pulls one of us along. Climbs into his cot and wishing all of us "G'night" before doing his usual jump, talk, sing routine and suddenly, before you even notice, he's asleep. No more carry, dance and pat. Good=no more sore shoulders. Bad=we're missing our daily cardio exercise=fat accumulation!

Weather's hot and sunny with patches of intermittent rain.

Thank you
Biby Cletus for leaving your comments on this blog.

BEN-Sent your form yet?

19 May 2007

Happy Birthday, Ben!

Grow old, get wiser.

Again, get your degree accredited by JPA using this form and send it to the address listed. If not now, you'd still have to do it later! It's a real encumberance.

Happy form filling!

15 May 2007

I have fallen into the trap. I've sold out. go on, do the dumb test below while i go hide my face under some tree roots in shame...

Create your own Friend Test here

09 May 2007

One month and 2 days since...


BENEFITS: New friend (the builder guy) and was nice to the custodian staff in school who built the concrete base.

Pictures to follow.

DOWNSIDE: Boss liked the damned thing and gave me 3 more projects.... why?... why?... That's the problem with being a closet Kiasu. You tell yourself and others that you're not but deep, down, inside the deepest crevasses of your heart - you are.


A big 'HI' to Rachael in Melbs. How's ya?

We've just hosted the Covenant Players' SEAPac Team for 3 weeks. They arrived very sick and worn out. Took them to our family doc- Dr. Willie Lau- and he gave them the whole sha-bang about taking care of themselves while travelling or risk catching something nastier than bronchitis (i.e. bird flu, penumonia, etc.). they promised to be more careful and he let them off with some meds and orders to sleep for a week. thank God he didn't prescribe them his 2 pints of Guiness treatment for colds! They're like family and have been with us before. Carli Hall (Aus), Ruth Vance (Aus) and Howard Rogers(NZ). Aside from their performances and training engagements, they've been trying to teach David Aussie-speak and succesfully got him to say "G'day, mate" and "Good on ya!". Carli got the tyke to do "Noooo" Aussie style too. Big 'ouch' for Mamma who's trying to get him to speak properly.

We had fun and were terribly blessed. I think they were too. Loads of food and laughter flying around those 3 weeks.

DAVID - we're counting down to his 2nd birthday and he's learnt the art of blowing out candles (minus the saliva shower). He now RUNS everywhere and that boy can run fast. We take him walking (running) every evening. He'll do approximately 2 rounds of a running track - with numerous stops, of course. Lots of 'Wow' time for the little fella.

ORLNDA- she's busy with her big drama production for St. Thomas School. It's called 'Death of a Longhouse" by Patrick Yeoh. It's a story centred around an Iban community dealing with urban migration and a romantic sub-plot. Performances scheduled in June. She's getting quite nervous about the whole thing but is still steadfastly optimistic. I love her...!

That's the family at a glance, folks! See ya'z next post. Gd Blz.

07 March 2007

What's do you get when you have to work for someone? Answer: strife.

That's what you have to put up with especially when your head honcho decides that he/she can trust you to be honest. Hey! that's not so bad is it? Truth, it isn't but...

(don't you just hate that three letter word?)

It gets prickly when you're in charge of a project - boss's own pet project - and she changes the deadlines over and over again. 'ai phi, ai chi, ai meh!' (want it cheap, want it great (quality wise) and want it quick). 'Siau meh?!?' (crazy?!?). Good things don't come cheap and they don't come out of a fast job. That's the problem with most of us Malaysians. We're all into fast stuff (food, cars, projects, research). We don't bother to look for the good stuff (which inevitably takes some time). I respect my boss and understands that she's under heaps of pressure to turn this mudcake into a Secret Recipe cheese cake but hopefully not at the expense of it looking cheap, tacky and rushed.

ON A HapPier note.

Friday: we're off to Limbang via Miri. Only an hour or so layover so sorry Miri family. We'll see you on the return leg.
We're gonna go see the two 'grands'. Miss them. They're both real gems.

Have a wonderful weekend.

02 March 2007

What a week! What a Lunar New Year!

We decided to open our home to visitors and guests on the 1st day of the Lunar New Year (Chinese New Year to all you confused ppl out there). After visiting the Parents, Grandpa Yong and Grandaunt Voon, we got home to feverishly prepare for guests. We had more visitors than planned but, thank goodness for the abundance of food and drinks. The day ended with a family & close friends party that started at 7:00 and ended at around 12:00. We're so touched that they made the trip to our home in Matang; braving the dark and unfamiliar roads.

The next day...

We got to the Parents place rather late in the morning and helped with getting the place ship-shaped to receive visitors. Dad did a marvelous job in getting the house cleaned and ready while Mum was in KL supervising the renovations on Alveen & Lynn's home.

Guests came at an even pace and we were all surprisingly relaxed by the end of the day. It has been a wonderful Lunar New Year with everyone feeling relaxed and at peace with each other!

Alveen and Lynn came over on Saturday for lunch. Linda made her ham quiche which Lynn enjoyed while Alveen and myself quaffed a bottle of 'cheap' red which i was itching to try. I've come to the conclusion that most cheap wines are so-so but there seems to be a corellation between gaudy lables and a wet cardboard taste to the booze.

Yesterday, we celebrated Dad's 60th Birthday. We had a couple of friends and folks over. I made a speech, he jabbed back with his usual humour spear and everyone laughed. He's a great guy and so honest about everything. He can either make you laugh or sandpaper you to tears.

Happy birthday Dad, hope you liked the Quiche cake!

14 February 2007


Thank you, Darren for linking me to his blog. Compared to the *all-mite-y* (check out the meaning & no evil intended!) i am but a humble beginner.

It's Valentine's Day and i don't have a romantic dinner to go to. For those of you who are sick of paying too much for too little every year, go visitKenny Sia and follow his steps to financial freedom on Valentine's Day to the T. Your girlfriend/wife will be soooo "impressed".


We're going to celebrate Beth and Jason's engagement! Lil' Elizabeth 'beeBet' Giang is getting engaged to Jason '2cool4words' Ng. We love those two so much. Jason's a recent friend (circa 2005) while i've known Elizabeth since the early 1990s. So we're terribly happy that she's found a Mr. Right-for-her. Notice that i put in the word (article) 'a' coz, it is my sincere belief that there's no such thing as the One. There are many 'ones' out there and it's up to us to go the extra mile.

Me? I'm ecstatic with what i have. Linda's a fantastic woman to be able to love and care for two kids; David and... Me. After all, grown men are just 'bigger' boys... we never grow up. So ladies, beware. I hope that i will be able to love her in return and be her physical and emotional support for as long as i'm able to. So, Happy Valentine's Day to Linda, my best friend and true love!

p/s: If you're going to spend it alone this year, give thanks for the massive amount of $$$ which you will save!

10 February 2007

Happy mid-semester break to all you uni boys and girls enjoying your first day of *ahem* extended sleep! It's been a flurry of activities and i'm still stuck at work at this particular moment in time.

To Darren: so sorry you got screwed by the advert... waitamicrofishinminute.... you've got no choice so, fly FAX, they're great, they're the only thing you're ever gonna have.

Having a meeting in Limbang from the 9th - 12th of March, i decided to NOT BE ME and book my.. our flights early. The damage to my bank account are as follows:

Kuching - Miri - Kuching (by AirAsia) RM 335.52 (2 adults and 1 miniature typhoon David)

Miri - Limbang - Miri (by FAX) RM 135.52 (2 adults and 1 miniature typhoon David)

Both amounts quoted are inclusive of all the s**t they charge us with (taxes, fuel surcharge, etc.). I've also managed to book my Kuching - Penang - Kuching (by AirAsia) for RM 249.98 (solo).
Ecstatically, (i had to rub my tired, disbelieving eyes) i clicked the "YES! AM I STUPID OR WHAT!?!" button quickly before any other lucky sod could snatch the seat away from me.

Aside from all the other internet related stuff that we've been following, i found this great piece of news as i was browsing the Star Online site. It's about 52 years old Lim Oh Pah who blew the whistle on his pig farming colleagues using beta-agonists to make their pokers bigger, fatter and grunt-ier (?). He's been boycotted by the pig farming and selling community - they don't want to sell his products anymore- and had to go into 'direct sales' himself. Proved a point that when you cut out the middle-men, you get better profit margins. Well done to Mr. Lim who doesn't use all that artificial crap on his piggies.

The Star Online

It stopped raining for nearly a week but it started pouring this morning! Let's start thinking about saving water for the dry spell ahead... rain today, draught tomorrow.

Have a great weekend!

01 February 2007

This is the busiest day ever! I've been up since 6:30 am and have not rested since. I had to be in the uni this morning to sort out some administrative matters, then back to school for classes until 12:45pm. My day improved when i saw Linda at home with the little runt. We went out to buy lunch and got home just in time to eat, drink, and blast off to work. I'll be off to the uni again at 4. I hope to get home by 10:30 tonight. I'm off to a meeting now. I miss my holidays...

31 January 2007

I've just spent the past hour cleaning up this blog and giving it a new (yet familiar) look. It's refreshing to be able to put your thoughts and gripes down on paper (?); applying it onto someone else's face would most likely bring about serious legal complications!

It's still raining and i'm loving it however the nice old ladies who do up the school garden aren't. There's just something about falling rain that keeps me calm and at peace with the world. I smile at everything, swear at nothing and love life twice as much. God is in everything i do and He knows i need something to keep me sane.

30 January 2007

Another long break... THIS HAS GOT TO STOP!!!

We've returned from Klang and work has begun in earnest. I've been reading up on the latest row between Rocky/Ooi and the BIG BOYS. It seemed strange that THEY waited until Rocky's 48th 'libellious' post before initiating action (as reported in the Star 30-01-2007)! It's almost like an elephant trying to screw a mouse... 'cept that maybe, elephants are afraid of mice?

Let's move on...

We had a frightening experience 2 nights ago while driving home from grocery shopping. A van load of drunk-assed a**eholes chased us for nearly 2 kilometres just because we overtook them AFTER STOPPING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD FOR NO PARTICULAR REASON. Linda was sooo traumatized by the whole thing. It nearly ended in a collision but thank God, they didn't hit us. Driver was screaming slurred obscenities and gesticulating wildly at us--- if it wasn't serious it would have been hilarious. He got bored; overtook us; sped ahead then stopped to wait for us --- got bored and sped off again. DRINKING, DRIVING, TESTOSTERONE and TEMPER... not a good combination.

Majlis Perbandaran Padawan ought to buck up and shut down any and all shops selling booze illegally. It's becoming serious.
(note: the above incident wasn't the first... nor will it be the last.)

On a different vein...

Classes for Self-Expression 'kicked-off' last week. I'm taking 3 classes this semester and enjoying this needed distraction. Getting paid for doing something you like is even BETTER! yay.

Aside from having more responsibilities in my day job, i've decided to be less of a slacker this year. A new me for a new year.
David is growing taller and leaner. He recently discovered the joys of jumping ( beds, sofa, sofa-floor, papa's belly, etc.), much to our chargrin. Horrific images of broken limbs and deep cuts flash pass our mind's eye each time he takes a running leap onto or off anything. He's such an angel when he chooses to be one.

Oh, it hasn't stop raining since the new year... except for the odd 1 -2 hour breaks a day. Thank God for the Tidal Gates at the Sarawak River Barrage and the nice folks manning them 24/7. I love the rain. Today's temperature - 25.5 deg. Cel.