31 July 2007

It's Hari Pahlawan or Warrior's Day in Malaysia. The term 'Pahlawan' covers (former and active) members of the Armed Forces, Royal Malaysian Police, Communist Insurgency era Home Guards, and Volunteers. A moment of silence please for these brave men and women.

Thank you.

Today is also Vernon's birthday. We've lost contact over the years but i have always remembered him fondly. He got me interested in choral music, introduced me to the works of Maria Callas and the world of classicals, plainsongs and operas.
Some folks may think it odd for me to write about a friend in that manner but you only turn 40 once and folks are allowed to memorialize them just a bit. So, Happy Birthday, you old sod! (if you ever get to read this!)

July ends and August beckons. August has always been a busy month for yours truly. This August is no different. Exams, supervisions, camps and workshops are the order of the month. My only free day - hilariously - is Wednesday and a small part of Saturday (every two weeks, roughly...). Get not me wrong for i am not complaining because activity is good for a lazy fart like me. We've decided that Wednesdays will be the day we take David swimming - every week. He's just gotten over his minor fear of water last month and we don't want to waste the effort we put into that endeavour. Our aim is to get him floating and swimming by the time he turns 4 in 2009. It's a skill every child should learn at the earliest possible moment. One will never know when it comes in handy.

Have a lovely rainy day ahead... I know that I am!

1 comment:

Vernon Kedit said...

"So, Happy Birthday, you old sod! (if you ever get to read this!)"

God works in mysterious ways, you young sod.

And I'm not 40. I'm 28 and don't you dare question that, or I'll channel Maria and fly into a fury.