19 July 2007

Q: What's better than spending the entire night sifting through data and preparing a biannual report for Fifth Form English?
A: Anything and Everything else, of course!

I must say, though, that i am rather pleased with the results of the data analysis. Nearly all the pre-stated objectives set out at the end of last year were achieved. I had however, overlooked the issue of balancing between the needs of lower achieving students and higher achievers.

My focus from January to June had been towards raising the standards of the bottom 25. They improved beyond my target of 10%. Unfortunately, some of the higher achievers stagnated and did not achieve their own personal goals. Lesson learnt.

Just as you thought that the rains have stopped and the sun had begun to scorch this rain drenched land, it began pouring mightily again. God does love me!

Have a luvly week... or what's left of it!

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