11 October 2007

There goes another semester of teaching English ( for Self Expression) at Unimas! It's been 3 semesters since i started and i must say, it is different from the other language courses. It's got bits of creative writing here, a sprinkling of drama there and a whole load of confidence building everywhere! Performance nights are on the 25 and 26 October at CAIS Hall. It's free.

Muslims around the world will celebrate Eid'l Fitr (or Aidilfitri, in Malaysia) marking the end of Ramadhan (the fasting month). Folks are running (and driving) around like lunatics trying to get everything ready for Aidilfitri. It's kinda like that mad rush for everything you did not do or get during Chinese New Year or Christmas.

School's out for a while. Some schools will start next week but mine only starts the week after. Ah, the joys of being in a residential school.

David is enjoying (nursery) school. We call it nursery, he calls it school. We call it the school building, he calls it Teacher's House. We noticed him being less problematic at home after a full week at school and, his attention span has increased significantly. Thank God for Teacher's House!

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