13 October 2006

It was one of those kind of nights: you've planned for it, recce'd the sites and then, everything changes. Life is just like that, ain't it? We think that we've planned it all; we reckon that we've covered all the contingencies; we know... we know... ?

Have we really or a better question would be, could we really cover everything?

In all our wisdom and technological know-how, we'still unable to answer the questions completely.

I'd planned to walk to work this morning, it decided to rain---BIG & HEAVY. I'd planned to have breakfast before leaving the house but my little boy woke up just as i was exiting the room. He said,"hi. papa." then flashed me the biggest grin a 1 yr old can give. No breakfast. No walk.

... but,

satisfaction. He smiled at me.
It's going to be a superb day.

even if it's only ending at 10:30 tonight.

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