13 October 2009

Happy Birthday Grandpa Wilfred Yeo Leng Chua. We love you. You gave us a scare last year and you're not as mobile as before, but we truly appreciate your many sacrifices to the family and love to us grand-kids. Let's face it, we're monkeys of the highest degree, but you were game enough to be part of our fun yet, able to get us in line.

My cousins would know him much better than i would ever have. They stayed with the Gramps's for a good portion of their childhood. We had moved to Kuching when i was about 3. Although, i probably did enough damage in Limbang for them to chase me to Kuching! (i.e. driving a car down hill at the age of 2, pinching granma's bum with a pair of pincers would be included in my resume...).

Our annual jaunts back to Limbang would always give us the time to know them a little better. An image which would always remain with me about grandpa is one of him - in his rubber boots, old weather beaten straw hat, a pair of shorts and an equally decrepit shirt - walking up and down the hill slope behind the house tending to his plants. He was at an age when my other classmates would tell of how their grandpa would be old, frail and basically, old! Little did i realise that my grandpa was old too but was and still is as fit as a limbang buffalo! He doesn't walk so well anymore but he's in a better state than any other old coot his age!

So, here's to you, Kong-Kong. A toast to your health; we salute your wisdom, love and purity of heart!

We love you.

01 October 2009

Nothing exceptionally blog-worthy has happened in my life. Boo-hoo... not.

So i'll just show you guys the house. That's the living space, btw.

This is the dining area. That red bit? Used to be a window. Knocked it out and zapped on a piece of thick ply.

Oh, forgot the space behind the living area. It's the messiest part of the house coz it's the most lived in... by David!

The kitchen. Linda's pride and joy and where she experiments.

And lastly, a view from the kitchen all the way to the front!