Actually already done that a couple of months ago but i was too crap lazy to sign in to blog. Matter of fact, this whole rebuilding thing had really exhausted me. I'm just trying to find some time where Linda & meself could eff off somewhere and just VEGETATE as my old friend Vernon used to say when faced with stressful, idiotic situations.
So here's an update of what's happened since the last entry:
1. We had the housewarming for neighbours and family. It was fun. I think, it was also the first in the neighbourhood and they enjoyed it caused they stayed for more than a while! Got the food, the furniture but GUESS WHAT!?! us two smart-bums forgot the DRINKS!!! Eek! Dad and uncle Kwang solved that problem by driving off with RM120 from my wallet and a short visit to the local H&L super.
2. Our sister school colleagues came to town and we hosted the three ladies for dinner. Took them to the Junk and had a great time. We adjourned to the house for coffee and tea and more 'im'polite conversations!

(picture not taken at our place... interestingly, we didn't take any!) Meet you again, Lana, Robyn & Kaylene!
3. The guys and girls decided that since we didn't have an 'open' housewarming, they'd invite themselves to warm the place up for us! So sweet...

(Elissa, Frank & Calvin on a waaay too small couch!)

(Frank, Calvin & Mike) Hey, Carol! Thanks for letting me borrow these two shots from your Facebook album... albeit without me asking. thanks, you are sooo kind.
4. We added to the family a 4th member... no, Linda did not have a new baby. We finally brought over David's dog, Paffy... yes... i know... what kind of name is Paffy? Dunno-lah... you go ask David. He was adamant that it was a Paffy Dog.

5. And finally, David has developed this notion that because we have a semi-walled up backyard, it's okay to go FULL-ON Birthday suit for his version of 'indoor'-outdoor showers! Looks good actually, maybe next time i'll join him!