28 September 2007

I discovered the joys of Facebook and re-discovered old friends from 10 years ago. It's amazing what a decade can do to you.

Here's me raisin' a cold one to all you guys & gals!

24 September 2007

Six years ago, a young boy, his younger brother and his even younger sister (incl. their mum & dad), left Kuching and returned to New Zealand.

Flash forward to 2007...

They're all grown up now and he has a band of his own called OpenIse. Josiah, it's good to hear from you.

It really is amazing to lose touch with people you knew and then, by some unknown random thought, think of them and actually Get In Touch...

We're currently hosting an international student under the STEP (Short Term Experience Programme) for AFS Antarabudaya Malaysia . His name is Craig Antweiler and he's an airport/aviation buff.

The bunch of lads we have in Sarawak right now comprises of 4 Germans and 1 Icelander (who will be going home to a minus 20 degrees Celsius winter next January).

My central processor (the brain la...) is shutting down and my bod is hurting all over after running up and down Fairy Cave in Bau and getting rugby tackled by those 5 young lads in the Sematan surf. Payback for bad driving (blame the road...).

12 September 2007

Linda directed a play entitle "Death of a Longhouse" by Patrick Yeoh a couple of months back. We enjoyed the whole thing but, boy... was it tiring or WHAT...

More on that some other day. There's just too much to say about the whole sha-bang.

How was your day?

David: How are you, Papa?
me: I'm fine, thank you. How are you, Son?
David: I'm not fine.
me: What's wrong?
David: The giant big toe step on my foot. Painful...
me: ????

Meanwhile, David runs off giggling. Huh?

God bless.

06 September 2007

The world has lost one of its greats... Luciano Pavarotti died today.

Arrivederci al Maestro magnifico.

04 September 2007

Presenting... David.

January - Hair Experimentation

February - David & Linda

February - Deep in Thought

August - Appreciating... er... flowers?
Zephyr Yeo was born at 3:00 am in Brunei to Jeremy and Leonora Yeo. Well done to Jeremy for getting the 'ball rolling' and to Leonora for carrying the boy 9 months and then having to evict him early this morning!

God bless you guys and may he bring as much joy and blessings as you have had with Tyler!