30 August 2007

David: Marching band! Marching band! Look, Papa! Drum! Marching band!

Me: Yay! Wow! etc.....

2 hours later.

David: Papa, look! Big drums! Look! Marching band! MArching band!

Me: Oooh... my aching shoulders...

He loves his marching bands, he does. Play anything percussion and you're his new hero.
Hooray for Gramps being out of the hospital, he's going to be alright. Mum and Dad's home from Limbang. They took the 'scenic' bus route. Finally, Dad can say that he has travelled the length of Sarawak (by public transportation) by sea, air and land.

David's down with fevers and a stuffed nose. He's lost some weight but that's expected. Has that slowed him down? Nope. However, he is whiney in his sleep and we've had a rather sleepless week. Last night, it got quite bad. He had a bad dream. Apparently, a giant's toe was trying to step on his leg and he needed his plastic hammer to whack the darn thing! What???

Happy Independence Day, Malaysia!

It's 50 or 44 depending on which way you look at it. Read Vernon's blog (Boredom killers section) to understand the whole issue.

Speakin' of age, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, 3rd Uncle Eugene Yeo in Brunei! He turns 59 today.
God bless.

14 August 2007

Life = Busy / Good = Aarrgghhhh!
Weather = Hot / hot / hot / rain???? = Arrgghhhh!!
Work = marking / mo' marking /sum mo' marking / WHAT??? sum mo'!!???!! = Aaaaaaerrrrrggggghhhhhh!!!
(a summary of the previous week till today)

Granpa's not well. He had an ambulance ride to the hospital. He's feeling better now but my folks are heading to Limbang tomorrow. Seh Koh Emmeline left yesterday.

Gramps is well over 90. He's entitled to an ambulance ride now and then. See, he's ancient but active. We see men half his age looking twice as old as he is! At 70, he was still carrying about the old bushcutter on his back on the slopes below and above the house!! So, when he gets sick as he was last week, everyone's alarm bell sounded.

I had a good chat with him the last time all three of us went to Limbang. He said, "Well, at my age, waking up everyday is a blessing." We love the grand old man. Here's prayin' that he gets well enough to go home.

07 August 2007

Have a beautiful day, people. Take time out to smell the flowers and enjoy the equatorial skies (unless of course, you happen to be in either KL or Jakarta). Praise God for his goodness and grace.

God bless.

06 August 2007

Life is but a shimmer in the great expanse of time and space...

Getting a call after dinner from a girl hysterically screaming at you to pray for her dad because he's dying isn't what you would expect after a long day at work but, that was what i had to contend with last Tuesday. Guin's dad had a haemorraghic stroke on Tuesday morning. He was prioritised for surgery immediately. The surgeons cleared 80% of the blood spill but could not do much more than that. He was called home to be with the Father later that evening. As the elevator doors opened for us on the 5th floor of the General Hospital, the doctors had just called the time and were removing the various tubes and wires coiled around his lifeless body. His spirit had been raised heavenbound. Linda became a shoulder to cry on for Guin and her sister Marianne (who used to be Linda's student). They were missing him more than they were sad at his passing. They know where he's headed and they rejoice and look forward to seeing him again one day.

A few days later, the Mayor of Kuching City South died after a short fight with pancreatic cancer. Again, St. Faith's Church sent off one of its own. Rest in Peace Mr. Mayor.

Let's rejoice and celebrate life for it is short and uncertain. Let us place our hope in the only certainty of life which is in its passing - and the gift that Christ gave us on the cross - eternal life.