Life = Busy / Good = Aarrgghhhh!
Weather = Hot / hot / hot / rain???? = Arrgghhhh!!
Work = marking / mo' marking /sum mo' marking / WHAT??? sum mo'!!???!! = Aaaaaaerrrrrggggghhhhhh!!!
(a summary of the previous week till today)
Granpa's not well. He had an ambulance ride to the hospital. He's feeling better now but my folks are heading to Limbang tomorrow. Seh Koh Emmeline left yesterday.
Gramps is well over 90. He's entitled to an ambulance ride now and then. See, he's ancient but active. We see men half his age looking twice as old as he is! At 70, he was still carrying about the old bushcutter on his back on the slopes below and above the house!! So, when he gets sick as he was last week, everyone's alarm bell sounded.
I had a good chat with him the last time all three of us went to Limbang. He said, "Well, at my age, waking up everyday is a blessing." We love the grand old man. Here's prayin' that he gets well enough to go home.